If you are stuck in today’s NYT Connections Hints and Answers for December 13, then we will serve you with the solutions for NYT Connections 551 for Friday.

If you are not familiar with The New York Times Connectionsthen let us explain that it is a word game and the second most popular NYT Game. It challenges players to discover the theme between the 16 words given in a 4×4 grid of words.

Players need to make four groups of four items in each group. These items must share something in common. These categories can include food ingredients, animals, synonyms, kitchen items, book titles, characters, etc.

It might sound easy or tough, but we are here to help you every day with NYT Connections solutions, so make sure that you continue reading with us until you find the NYT Connections Answers for today.

NYT Connections Permanent Image

Overview of NYT Connections

Aspect Description
Objective Create 16 words into 4 different groups of four items in each group.
Categories Categories may include themes like colors, synonyms, animals, book titles, food ingredients, etc.
Difficulty Four color-coded difficulty levels- Yellow, Green, Blue, and Purple. Yellow is the easiest category, and Purple is the trickiest.
Tries Available Players can avail four attempts; after that, the game ends.
Daily Puzzle New puzzles are released daily, refreshing with unique themes and word associations.


How to Play NYT Connections Today

Make four groups of four items that must have a connection between them. For this, look at the 16 words in a 4×4 grid, align the groups in your mind, and Submit them. Consider that if you lose the chances, it will be game over.

how to play NYT Connections

Where to Play Connections

If you are new to NYT Connections and do not know where to play NY Times Connection, then you can play Connections puzzles in the Games app. To do this, go to the official site, tap on the Games section, find Connection, and enjoy today’s Connections game. You can also play the NYT Connections game in the Play tab in The New York Times app.

Today’s NYT Connections Hints and Answers for December 13, Friday, #551

Today’s Connections Hints for December 13

Going to help you a lot to save you timely and mentally with these NYT Connections hints. Take these hints for granted to guess today’s NYT Connections answer. This NYT Connection hint for today, 13 December, Detailed Hints for NYT Connections today for December 13:

  • Yellow: Consider mystical beings; avoid SPRITE (belongs in blue).
  • Green: Common email folder names.
  • Blue: Think lemon-lime and orange sodas.
  • Purple: Words that sound like animal names but have different meanings.

Today’s Connections Answers for Friday, December 13

If you come up with nothing even after getting the hints from above, Don’t worry. It happens sometimes, and you are not alone on the list. Now, look at the answer to becoming skilled in the NYT Connections puzzle.

Today’s NYT Connections Hints and Answers for December 13, Friday, #551

Detailed Answers for NYT Connections today for December 13, #551

Here are detailed answers for NYT Connections for today, December 13. These will help you win today’s connections.

Yellow: Fantasy Creatures

  • Dragon, Giant, Pixie, Troll

Green: Email Folders

  • Drafts, Sent, Spam, Trash

Blue: Citrus Sodas

  • Crush, Sprite, Squirt, Starry

Purple: Animal Homophones

  • Bore, Links, Phish, Towed

Yesterday’s Connections Answers for Friday, December 12

If you missed yesterday’s Connections No. 518, you can play it in the Connections Archive. To access Connections Archive, you can log in or sign in to your NYT account. Here are yesterday’s Connections answers for Monday, December 11.

nyt connections answers 12 november

NYT Connection Archive

To access the New Connections Archive gamers need to subscribe or log in to their account. After that, they can unlock every past puzzle and track their play history.

New York Times Gamer became excited when it introduced the New Connections Archive. Connections Archive has new benefits, including the ability for all subscribers to revisit and play 450 original puzzles or resume unfinished puzzles.

The connection archive affects your Connection Stats, which show the number of Puzzles Completed, the Win Rate in Percentage, Perfect Puzzles, and Mistake Distribution.

Playing Connection will not affect both Current Streaks and Max Streaks. Streaks are only counted based on the puzzle you play on releasing day. You cannot play played puzzles again.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What are today’s Connections groups?

These are today’s Connections groups in NYT:

  1. Yellow Group-
  2. Green Group-
  3. Blue Group-
  4. Purple Group-


  • How to play old Connections NYT?

To play old Connections in NYT, players need access to the New Connections Archive. There, you can find old puzzles that you have missed and resume unfinished puzzles.

  • Where is Connections in NYT?

Connections is in the games section at the official site of the New York Times. You can also find it in the Play tab in the New York Times News app.

The Bottum Lines

If you find our efforts helpful, write your suggestions and feedback. Thanks for visiting MonkTech Games. Tomorrow will be a day with the new Connections Puzzle. Till then, also read about Today’s NYT Wordle hints and answers for December 13.