Are you exploring NYT Wordle Today Answer and hints? So stick with us as you acquire all the solutions for Wordle number 1239. Additionally, you will learn how to play NY Times Wordle on November 9.

You can play NYT Wordle for free on The New York Times website. To do this, you must go to the Games section, find Wordle, and enjoy it. You can also find The NYT Wordle on the Play tab in the The New York Times News app.

NYT Wordle Hints & Answer

Detailed Overview of NYT Wordle Puzzle

Category Details
Word Length 5 Letters
Difficulty Level Moderate – because of unusual placement
Common Letters T, R, E
Uncommon Letters Z, X
Optimal Strategy Begin with words containing common vowels like A, E, I
Word Complexity Uncommon letters make it moderately challenging
Fun Fact NYT Wordlers have 6 attempts to guess 5-letter words


How to play NYT Wordle Today

The NY Times Wordle is the most popular word puzzle in NYT Games. It was first purchased by The New York Times from its creator Josh Wardle, on January 31, 2022.

how to play NYT Wordle

Here are the steps to play NYT Wordle Today. Follow these steps to become an expert in playing the Wordle Game. So, pay attention to the steps mentioned below.


  1. Guess the Wordle

The NYT Wordle puzzle requires six attempts to solve using a 5-letter word. So, Try your first attempt and guess a Wordle.

  1. Mind the Color-coded Tiles

After your every tile show some highlights coded with colors Green, Yellow, and Gray.

  • The green color defines the correct letter and spot in today’s Wordle.
  • The yellow color defines the correct letter at the wrong spot.
  • The gray color defines the wrong letter and spot in Wordle.


  1. Guess a valid Wordle

So, after the highlights, keep focusing on existing letters and attempt a next guess. If you try to write a word that does not exist in the Wordle, the puzzle will notify you by shaking.

  1. Avoid Mistakes and Enjoy

While guessing today’s Wordle, gamers must remember that they have only 6 chances to guess the word. If you do not complete the game and find the exact word, it will be game over. So, avoid mistakes and enjoy the NYT Wordle.


Best Wordle Starting Words 

To win today’s NYT Wordle, these are the best words to start your NYT Wordle today so that you can start the game. Approach these words to learn today’s NYT Wordle answer.



Most Common Letter at the Beginning and End

Here, you have a beneficial help in solving Today’s NYT Wordle faster than others. These tips can be good enough for beginners also. This can help you practice to become an expert in solving the game.

  • Most common letters that occur at the first position with their frequency:

These are the most common and relevant words that occur at the first position in a 5-letter word while solving the NYT Wordle puzzle.


First Letters Frequency
S 365
C 198
B 173
T 149
P 141
A 140
F 135
G 115
D 111
M 107


  • Most common letters that occur at the first position with their frequency:

These letters occur at the fifth position in a 5-letter word while solving to Solve NYT Wordle for today. It could be helpful in the NYT Wordle play.


Last Letters Frequency
E 422
Y 364
T 253
R 212
L 155
H 137
N 130
D 118
K 113
A 63


NYT Wordle Hints Today for November 9

There are some New York Times Wordle hints for Today’s Wordle game. These NYT Wordle hints can prove beneficial for you in guessing the correct word before you reach out to the NYT Wordle Answer today. 

Bases Details
First Letter S
Last Letter L
Repeating Letter L
Vowels E
Parts of Speech verb
Meaning to increase size or shape of parts of body due to hard hit, probably an injury.


NYT Wordle Answer Today for November 9, #1239

Today’s NYT Wordle for November 9 Meaning
SWELL to increase the size or shape of body part due to injury.

NYT Wordle Today Answer and Hints for November 9 #1239

NYT Wordle Yesterday  #1239 for November 9


Yesterday’s NYT Wordle for November 8 Meaning
READY to remain always ready and enthusiastic for something.

Recent NYT Wordles

These recent Wordles also have a particular number and meaning to keep the specific NYT Wordle in mind. Here, you have recent Wordles for your convenience so that you can compare and learn the Wordle instantly.

Date Wordle No. Wordle of the Day Meaning
NYT Wordle for November 7 1237 EVENT a group of gatherings for a happy cause.
NYT Wordle for November 6 1236 TRULY honestly, genuinely, and ethically.
NYT Wordle for November 5 1235 OCTET Group of eight
NYT Wordle for November 4 1234 VINYL A piece of soft plastic used to make walls or floor covers.
NYT Wordle for November 3 1233 BLAZE an extinguish fire.


Frequently Asked Questions

  • Where is Wordle in NYT?

The New York Times has Wordle in the Games section. To access NYT Wordle, gamers need to open the official website, go to games, and find Wordle to play it.

  • How do you find Wordle in the NYT app?

You can find Wordle in the Games app on its website. Go to NYT Website> Games> Wordle. You can also find Wordle in the Play tab of the New York Times News app.

  • How do you transfer Wordle Stats to NYT?

Players’ NYT Wordle progress will automatically link to their New York Times account. To access Wordle Stats, the player must have an NYT account. After logging in or signing in, they can access their Wordle Stats.



We expect you to find the NYT Wordle solutions in this article. If you like the efforts, then bookmark MonkTech Games for further updates on NYT Wordle Games. Read about being fond of playing NYT Connections, then read NYT Connections hints and answer today for November 9. Tomorrow will be a new day and a new world!