Hey NYT Gamers, now you don’t need to scroll around if you are looking for the answer and hints for today. Here, you will learn the solution NYT Wordle 1298 for Tuesday. Today’s puzzle for January 7 seems tough for Gamers. But it can be easy for you if you stick with us until you find the answer. 

This blog features the method of playing the game and some strategic ways to win the puzzle on the first attempt. You will also learn about it and its benefits for becoming a pro player.

Here, you can follow an overview of today’s puzzle, in which all information is presented. Let’s draw attention below.

Feature Details
Game Title NYT Wordle
Game Objective Guess the five-letter word in six tries.
Feedback System – Green: Correct letter, proper position

– Yellow: Correct letter, wrong position

– Gray: Letter not in the word

Tips for Success Start with common letters, and use feedback wisely.
Word Length 5 Letters
Difficulty Level Moderate – because of unusual placement
Common Letters T, R, E
Uncommon Letters Z, X 
Optimal Strategy Begin with words containing common vowels like A, E, I
Word Complexity Uncommon letters make it moderately challenging
Today Wordle Answer Click Here

How to Play 

This is a word puzzle that is the most popular NY Times game. Below, there are the steps to follow and learn the game. One can easily become familiar with the Game by practicing these steps.

Read the steps given below.

1. Guess a 5-letter Word

Players need to fill in a five-letter word. Choose a word carefully so that you can maximize your winning chance. 

2. Focus on Highlights

There are three highlighting tiles that you will experience in the game. The tiles are Green, Yellow, and Gray. The tiles in the puzzle define different scenarios.

  • The Green tiles define the correct letter and spot. 
  • The Yellow tiles define the correct at the wrong spot.
  • The Gray tiles define the wrong letter and spot.

3. Observe the Mistakes

After looking at the highlights, you must observe them to refine them for the next attempts. Highlights can help to observe mistakes. 

4. Refine Your Guess and Enter it

After entering a guess, focus on highlights and observe the mistakes. It’s time to refine your guess. You must be careful about your limited 6 attempts in this game. Solve it, or you will lose the puzzle today. 

5. Enjoy the Game

After all these steps, you must practice them repeatedly to enjoy the puzzle. The day will arrive when you master the game.

NYT Wordle unsolved puzzle

Best Starting Words

To win the puzzle today, these are the best words to start the game. Approach these words to learn today’s answer.  


Here, you have a great help in solving today’s puzzle faster than others. This can help you practice to become an expert in solving the puzzle. These tips can also be good enough for beginners. 

  • Common Letters At The First Position:

These are the most common and relevant words that occur at the first position in a 5-letter word while solving the puzzle.

First Letters Frequency
S 365
C 198
B 173
T 149
P 141
A 140
F 135
G 115
D 111
M 107
  • Common Letters At The End:

These are the most common and relevant letters that occur at the fifth position in a 5-letter word while solving the puzzle for today.

Last Letters Frequency
E 422
Y 364
T 253
R 212
L 155
H 137
N 130
D 118
K 113
A 63


Hints for January 7

These hints can help you guess the correct word before you reach out for the answer today. There are some hints for Today’s game.

Bases Details
Repeating Letter  Yes, Repeating Letter
First Letter  H
Last Letter  Y
Vowels  One Vowel 
Parts of Speech  Noun
Meaning having a lot of hills


NYT Wordle Answer for Today January 7, #1298

Today’s NYT Wordle for December 7 Meaning
HILLY having a lot of hills

NYT Wordle 7 Solved

Yesterday  #1297 for January 6


Yesterday’s NYT Wordle for December 6 Meaning
TRULY used to emphasize that something is correct or accurate


Recent NYT Wordles

Here, you have recent puzzles for your convenience, you can compare and learn the game instantly. These recent puzzle also have their number in particular and meaning to keep the specific puzzle in mind.

The game no. 1296 for January 5:

The game no. 1295 for January 4:

The game no. 1294 for January 3:

The game no. 1293 for January 2:

The game no. 1292 for January 1:


Frequently Asked Questions

  • When Did NYT Buy this game?

The New York Times Company bought the game on January 31, 2022, for Josh Wardle.

  • When Does the Puzzle Reset?

The game resets daily at midnight in your time zone. Players can play a game for a new score every day. 

  •  What Is Today’s Answer for January 7?

Today’s answer NYT for January 7 is _______Word meaning ______

  • What Was Yesterday’s Answer NYT January 6?

Yesterday’s answer for January 6 was ______Word meaning _____

  • How To Transfer Answers Stats To NYT?

Players’ progress will automatically link to their New York Times account. To access Stats you must have an NYT account. After logging in or signing in they can access their Stats.

Final words

I hope you find these efforts helpful. Share your feelings and words with us and your loved ones. Also, read about the NYT Connection hints and answer for January 7. You must bookmark MonkTech Games for further updates. Now, thanks for visiting this page.