Looking for NYT Wordle Hints and Answer for Monday, December 16? Don’t worry. You reached out on the right page for clues about NYT Wordle number 1276. Here, you will get all the NYT Wordle solutions.

You can play NYT Wordle for free on its official website or in the Play tab on The New York Times app. The new Wordle is released after midnight in your time zone. 

NYT bought Wordle on 31 January 2022 from its creator ‘Josh Wardle’. NY Times Wordle is a word puzzle, and it is the most popular game played by the NYT.  Here is the guide to playing NYT Wordle for you until you find the NYT Wordle answer today.

NYT Wordle Hints & Answer

How to play Wordle for Today

NYT Wordle today might seem difficult to the Wordle players. If you follow the steps given here, you can meet the successful score in the NYT Wordle puzzle

how to play NYT Wordle

IN NYT Wordle, you have six Tries to guess a 5-letter word for today’s Wordle. Write your guess and submit the Word by hitting the Enter button on your keyboard. After you submit your guess, you will see the highlight. The color of the tiles will change. 

  • The green tile indicates the correct letter at the correct spot.
  • The yellow tile indicates the correct letter at the wrong spot.
  • The gray tile indicates the wrong letter at the wrong spot.

Continue to play and practice the Wordle until you solve the Wordle or finish the guesses for today.

NYT Wordle Hint for Today, December 16

There are the NYT Wordle clues for Today’s Wordle game. These NYT Wordle hints can prove beneficial for you to guess the correct word before you reach out to the NYT Wordle Answer today. 

Bases Details
First Letter  V
Last Letter  R
Repeating Letter  No, Repeating Letter
Vowels  Two Vowels
Parts of Speech Noun
Meaning the part of a hard hat (a helmet) that you can pull down to protect your eyes or face

NYT Wordle Answer Today for December 16, #1276

Now, your wait ends here to find NYT Wordle’s answer for Today, December 16, #1276.

Today’s NYT Wordle for December 16 Meaning
The part of a hard hat (a helmet) that you can pull down to protect your eyes or face.

NYT Wordle Answer Today for November 16

NYT Wordle Yesterday  #1275 for December 15

If you missed NYT Wordle yesterday, here is the answer for Yesterday’s NYTimes Wordle.


Yesterday’s NYT Wordle for December 15 Meaning
TACKY marked by cheap showiness

10 Recent NYT Wordles    

These recent Wordles also have a particular number and meaning to keep the specific NYT Wordle in mind. Here, you have recent Wordles for your convenience so that you can compare and learn the Wordle instantly.

  • Sun 10th Nov(1240) – INNER
  • Sat 9th Nov (1239) – SWELL
  • Fri 8th Nov (1238) – READY
  • Thur 7th Nov (1237) – EVENT
  • Wed 6th Nov (1236) – TRULY
  • Tue 5th Nov (1235) – OCTET
  • Mon 4th Nov (1234) – VINYL

Best Wordle Starting Words 

To win today’s NYT Wordle, these are the best words to start your NYT Wordle today. so that you can start the game. You can utilize these words to learn today’s NYT Wordle answer.  


Most Common Letter at the Beginning and End

Here, you have a beneficial help in solving Today’s NYT Wordle faster than others. These tips can be good enough for beginners also. This can help you practice to become an expert in solving the game. 

  • Most common letters that occur at the first position with their frequency:

These are the most common and relevant words that occur at the first position in a 5-letter word while solving the NYT Wordle puzzle.


First Letters Frequency
S 365
C 198
B 173
T 149
P 141
A 140
F 135
G 115
D 111
M 107


  • Most common letters that occur at the first position with their frequency:

These letters occur at the fifth position in a 5-letter word while solving to Solve NYT Wordle for today. It could be helpful in the NYT Wordle play.


Last Letters Frequency
E 422
Y 364
T 253
R 212
L 155
H 137
N 130
D 118
K 113
A 63


What to Play after the Wordle Game?

If you enjoyed the NYT Wordle puzzle and are thinking of exploring your mental ability, then play the NYT Connections, the second most popular NYT Game after Wordle. After Connections, you can explore Strands, Spelling Bee, Tiles, Mini Crossword, LetterBoxed, and Sudoku


NYT Wordle Archive

To access the Wordle Archive gamers need to subscribe or log in to their account. After that, they can unlock every past puzzle and track their play history. 

New York Times Gamer became excited when it introduced the New Wordle Archive. Wordle Archive has new benefits, it allows all subscribers to revisit and play 450 original puzzles or resume unfinished puzzles.

The Wordle archive affects your Wordle Stats, which show the number of Puzzles Completed, the Win Rate in Percentage, Perfect Puzzles, and Mistake Distribution. 

Playing Wordle will not affect both Current Streaks and Max Streaks. Streaks are only counted based on the puzzle you play on releasing day. You cannot play played puzzles again.


Frequently Asked Questions

  • How To Transfer Wordle Stats To NYT?

Your Wordle Stats will automatically link to your New York Times account. To save your statistics, log into your New York Times account or sign in if you already have an existing account. The ‘Thank you for playing today!’ page will show your stats after you complete a Wordle puzzle.

  • When Does NYT Wordle Reset?

NYT Wordle game releases and resets at midnight in your timezone daily. You can play it in your comfortable time within 24 hours before the next Wordle is released.

  • When Did NYT Buy Wordle?

The New York Times Company bought the Wordle game on 31 January 2022 from the Wordle creator Josh Wardle. 



We put some effort into your help with NYT Wordle hints and answers. If you are a Wordle fan and find this effort helpful, then share it with other NYT word puzzle fans. Tell us about your experience with us. Also, read about NYT Connections hints today, Monday, December 16. Thanks for visiting MonkTech Games.