Here are NYT Wordle Hints Today and Answer for Friday, December 13, #1273.

NYT Wordle has become very popular among The New York Times GamersThat’s why we are providing NYT Wordle hints for today, Friday, December 13. Additionally, here you will know the answer to Wordle No. 1273.

NYT Wordle was created by Josh Wardle on January 31, 2022, by The New York Times. After that, it was redesigned and added to NYTimes Games. Now, NYT Wordle is the most popular game among all the New York Times Games.


If this word puzzle also influences you, stick to us and continue reading until you find the answer.

Overview of NYT Wordle Puzzle

Category Details
Word Length 5 Letters
Difficulty Level Moderate – because of unusual placement
Common Letters T, R, E
Uncommon Letters Z, X
Optimal Strategy Begin with words containing common vowels like A, E, I
Word Complexity Uncommon letters make it moderately challenging
Fun Fact NYT Wordlers have 6 attempts to guess 5-letter words

NYT Wordle Hints & Answer

How to Play NYT Wordle today

If you are facing problems while playing NYT Wordle, don’t worry; here are the solutions to your problem.

how to play NYT Wordle


NYT Wordle Hints Today for December 13

There are the NYT Wordle clues for Today’s Wordle game. These NYT Wordle hints can prove beneficial for you in guessing the correct word before you reach out to the NYT Wordle Answer today. 


Color: Bold and dynamic.
Starts with: B, ends with R.
Meaning: A person who practices the sport of boxing or a breed of dog known for its strong, athletic build and playful nature.
Nature: Associated with physical activity and strength.
Animal: Related to a specific dog breed.
Famous Slogan: “Box your way to the top!”
Food: Not food-related.
Fashion: Not connected to fashion.

Key Characteristics:

  • Contains one “O” vowel.
  • Involves action, agility, and strength.
  • Starts with B and ends with R.

NYT Wordle Answer Today for December 13, #1273

After the NYT Wordle hints, Here is the answer for NYT Wordle no. 1273 for today, December 13. Now jump to the answers and enjoy your winning.


Today’s NYT Wordle for December 13 Meaning
a person who does boxing as a sport


NYT Wordle Yesterday  #1272 for December 12

If you missed yesterday’s Wordle, Here is the answer for NYT Wordle no. 1273 for today, December 13. Now jump to the answers and enjoy your winning.

What is today's NYT Wordle Answer? 1,272

Yesterday’s NYT Wordle for December 12 Meaning
VYING competing; contending: All vying swimmers come to the judge’s desk.

10 Recent NYT Wordles

These recent Wordles also have a particular number and meaning to keep the specific NYT Wordle in mind. Here, you have recent Wordles for your convenience to compare and learn the Wordle instantly.

– Wed, Dec 11 (#1271): PLUMB

– Tue, Dec 10 (#1270): PATIO

– Mon, Dec 9 (#1269): FLUNG

– Sun, Dec 8 (#1268): HYENA

– Sat, Dec 7 (#1267): HILLY

– Fri, Dec 6 (#1266): SHOVE

– Thu, Dec 5 (#1265): ENDOW

Best Wordle Starting Words 

To win today’s NYT Wordle, these are the best words to start your NYT Wordle today so that you can start the game. Approach these words to learn today’s NYT Wordle answer.



Most Common Letter at the Beginning and End

Here, you have a beneficial help in solving Today’s NYT Wordle faster than others. These tips can also be good enough for beginners. This can help you practice to become an expert in solving the game.

  • Most common letters that occur at the first position with their frequency:

These are the most common and relevant words that occur at the first position in a 5-letter word while solving the NYT Wordle puzzle.


First Letters Frequency
S 365
C 198
B 173
T 149
P 141
A 140
F 135
G 115
D 111
M 107


  • Most common letters that occur at the first position with their frequency:

These letters occur at the fifth position in a 5-letter word while solving to Solve NYT Wordle for today. It could be helpful in the NYT Wordle play.


Last Letters Frequency
E 422
Y 364
T 253
R 212
L 155
H 137
N 130
D 118
K 113
A 63


Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is today’s Wordle answer for December 13th?

Today’s Wordle answer for December 13th is PRIMP Wordle…… It means to spend time making minor adjustments to one’s hair, makeup, or clothes.

  • When Does NYT Wordle Reset?

NYT Wordle resets after midnight in your time zone. You can play it comfortably in 24 hours before NYT releases its next Wordle for tomorrow.

  • When Did NYT Buy Wordle?

NYT bought Wordle on January 31, 2022, from its creator, Josh Wardle.

  • How To Find Wordle In NYT App?

NYT Wordle fans can find Wordle on its official site, The New York Times, in the Games section and also in the Play tab in The New York Times News app.



If you are reading till now, it shows you are enjoying our efforts. So,  share your suggestions or feedback with us in the comment section. Thanks for visiting MonkTech Games. Also, read about NYT Connections Hints and Answers.