* So you chose one of the 3 levels and are through with playing your game of Sudoku today? Check whether you made all the right entries through our NYT Sudoku Answers Today. 

nyt sudoku permanent image

Playing Sudoku is a good mental exercise. And when you play NYT Sudoku games daily, it gives a boost to your potential to recollect, focus, and solve problems.


When you want to do something productive in your downtime without getting stressed, you can think of playing an easy level NYT Sudoku game. When you start making the right entries in the rows, columns, and boxes, you will come to terms with the joy of playing Sudoku. And if you make it a daily habit, you will become more adept with each passing day and ultimately be able to solve even those hard puzzles in less time. 



Puzzle Name NYT Sudoku
Levels 3
How To Play Enter numbers 1 to 9
Time Duration Depends on level and proficiency
Sudoku Hints  Click Here
How To Access nytimes.com/puzzles/sudoku



NYT Sudoku Answers and Clues

As you go through our online Newspaper Sudoku Answers Today, you will be able to cross-check your answers and possibly discover one or two new methods to play NYT Sudoku games properly.


This blog updates you on how you must approach the game of NYT Sudoku; the useful clues shall give a shot in the arm to your endeavor to make those right entries and help you solve today’s NYT Sudoku puzzle faster than you expected. We have answers for all the 3 levels – Easy, Medium, and Hard


How To Play NYT Sudoku  


NYT Sudoku is no different from a classic Sudoku puzzle. It’s just that the interface is more striking and there are some interactive hints.


To play NYT Sudoku games, you should first of all be familiar with the basics. Once you know the fundamentals, you will at least know how to begin a game of Sudoku. Here are a few things that you need to keep in mind:


  • You need to enter numbers 1 to 9 in each of the 9 3×3 boxes.
  • You also need to enter numbers 1 to 9 in the rows and columns. A number must not get repeated in any of the rows, columns, or boxes.
  • If an entry is wrong, a red dot will form at the bottom right corner of that box.


Note: NYT Sudoku games are released at 10 p.m. EST from Tuesday to Saturday and 6 p.m. EST from Sunday to Monday.


Difficulty Levels of NYT Sudoku


Easy Level: If it’s your early days of playing Sudoku or you are hard pressed for time, you can choose an easy game that you should be able to finish fast if you are aware of the basics as well as the smart techniques that are used in playing Sudoku.

Medium Level: If you have solved enough easy Sudoku puzzles and can take care of the time factor, you can attempt a Medium Sudoku puzzle to gauge your potential.

Hard Level: Solving a hard Sudoku puzzle can really be a challenge. You can think of playing at this level only when you have the required skill and experience, which comes from gaining mastery over the earlier two levels.

Two factors influence your decision to choose the difficulty level of your Sudoku game – time and proficiency.  


Free NYT Sudoku Answer Today

Easy, Medium, and Hard – we take care of all the 3 difficulty levels. Here are the NYT Sudoku answers for January 12:


NYT Sudoku Easy Answers Today, January 12

If you just know the basics of Sudoku, you can select an easy level New York Times Sudoku game. An easy puzzle won’t really give you a difficult time and to verify your entries, you can go through the answers below:  


NYT Sudoku Medium Answers Today, January 12

So, what were the thoughts that came to your mind while playing a Medium level Sudoku game? Was it a learning curve? The screenshot below will let you find out whether all the numbers that you entered were right or not:



NYT Sudoku Hard Answers Today, January 12

A hard level Sudoku game demands plenty of experience and skill or else you will struggle. If you do not have knowledge of the smart techniques, a difficult Sudoku puzzle could really give you a difficult time. 


The image below has the answer to today’s hard level NYT Sudoku game:



NYT Sudoku Hints

Eye easy numbers and stick to the elimination rule

Easy numbers are easy to find and you should not have difficulty in finding the empty cells where they can be inserted. Next, you can focus on any one row, column, and box, follow the elimination rule, and make entries in the blank cells accordingly. 


Find naked and hidden singles

Those vacant cells in a Sudoku grid that can only accommodate one possible alternative are called Naked singles; hidden singles, meanwhile, can see you enter multiple options and ultimately choose one. 


Home in on one box and add notes

You must pay attention to one 3×3 box at a time and try completing another when you are unable to make any new entry. If you are unable to do mental calculations, you can take recourse to note making. 


Be flexible

You will be flexible while playing Sudoku when you exercise all the three options i.e. rows, columns, and boxes.  


Utility of NYT Games Subscription

If you have really started to relish the game of Sudoku, you can take an NYT Games subscription that will allow you to view the archives and previous puzzles. Post subscription, you will be fascinated by the variety that you see and get to enjoy other New York Times games also.



When does NYT Sudoku reset itself?

NYT Sudoku resets itself at 10 p.m. EST (Tuesday to Saturday) and 6 p.m. EST (Sunday to Monday). A totally new game pops up after that.


What is the procedure to play NYT Sudoku?

You must enter numbers 1 to 9 in every row, column, and box and see that no number is repeated. 


How hard is NYT sudoku?

It depends on the level. If you choose Hard level, it will be a hard game for you.


How do hints work in NYT sudoku?

In NYT Sudoku, hints let a player take those steps that they may be unable to take on their own.


What is a good time for NYT hard sudoku?

A difficult NYT Sudoku puzzle can take a lot of time and effort if you aren’t that skilled enough. So, the time you spend will depend on how proficient you are in solving Sudoku puzzles.



NYT Sudoku poses 3 new and stimulating challenges each day. The useful hints, the difficulty levels, and the tips and tricks ensure there is new learning every day. Whether you just want to enjoy or give your brain some exercise, NYT Sudoku will serve your purpose. Solving a Sudoku puzzle correctly is always an experience to savor, which probably accounts for its addictive nature.  


If you wish to get the latest updates besides NYT Sudoku Answers, you can visit Monktech Games.