Does your monitor show the “HP Printer Offline” sign? Then, you’re at the right place. In this post, you’ll learn how to fix your printer’s offline issues and resume smooth printing service.

But before we move on to the solution, it’s important to know the problem. So, read on and find out the problems and their solution.

Why is my HP Printer Offline

Windows personal computers keep showing a lot of “HP Printer Offline” lately. There are various reasons for this.

Here are some of the reasons why your HP Printer keeps showing an offline sign:

  • Your printer and personal computer are both unresponsive or slow
  • The printer can be bugged due to an internal mistake
  • Multiple printing tasks are pending for the printer

But can we solve this problem? Yes, we can!

So, keep reading and learning about the solutions.

A Quick Tip: Trying to print from an iPhone? Find out how to print from iPhone to HP Printer

5 Methods to Fix HP Printer Offline Issue

Now that you know the problem, understanding the answer will be easier. So, here are five exclusive HP printer offline fixes:

Method 1. Check the Printer’s Network and Connection

Instead of panicking, “Why is my HP printer showing offline,” you should first printer’s network connection.

To do so, first, turn off the printer for 30 seconds and turn it back on. Moreover, you should also check if the connection is properly plugged in. That way, you’ll be double sure about your situation.

Method 2. Use the Printer’s offline Setting

If your “Use Printer Offline” setting is on, your printer won’t print anything. Thus, follow these steps to turn it off:

  • First, press “Windows + 1” to go to the Settings window and then select Devices
  • Then, choose the Printers & Scanners section and choose your printer device and select Open queue
  • Finally, In the new window, select Printer and uncheck the “Use Printer Offline” section

use printer offline settings

Method 3. Set Your HP Printer as the Default One

Here’s how you can set your printer as default and turn Your HP Printer from offline to online:

  • First, turn your Printers & Scanners settings and click the “Open Queue” option.
  • Then, select the printer and click “Set as Default Printer.”

Method 4. Fix Via Various Services

You can only use this mode if you have a WSD port. Therefore, if you don’t have a port for this port, you can avoid it.

Fix it via Services

However, if you have a WSD port, here’s how you can fix this problem:

  • First, type “Services” in the Start Menu, and then open the best-matched results
  • Now, scroll down the section and find the “Function Discovery Provider Host” and “Function Discovery Resource Publication.”

Function Discovery Provider Host

  • Next, check the Status and Startup Type if the status doesn’t run, you can choose start by clicking right. Moreover, turn on the Startup type as Automatic if it isn’t.

And if the problem isn’t solved, you can test-run your printer and return to your printer’s port tab. Moreover, click Add Port and then Standard TCP/ IP Port to select a new port.

Standard TCP/ IP Port

Method 5. Creating a Manual IP Connection

Here’s how you can create a manual connection:

  • First, print a Network Configuration Page in the network settings or Startup
  • Next, under the network connection type, check the Network Status.

check the Network Status

  • If your status is “not connected,” connect the printer to your network and find the IP Address, Subnet Mask and Default Gateway.
  • Then find the IPv4 number from the section and URL (s) for EWS
  • Next, open the EWS URL in the browser after connecting to the internet and click Network Tab. Then open the Wired / Wireless Menu and select IPv4 configuration.

select IPv4 configuration

  • Now, select the Manual IP address and Suggest a Manual IP Address. Furthermore, configure the IP address, Subnet Mask, and Default Number according to the Network Configuration Page.
  • Finally, click Apply and confirm the changes.

Final Words

These are the ways to turn your HP printer online from offline. So, apply these steps to resolve your issues instead of saying, “Why is my HP Printer offline?”. You can do it!

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some simple ways to turn my HP Printer from Offline to Online?

Here are some simple ways of turning your HP Printer offline to online:
●     First, reconnect the printer to a network
●     Then resolve print queues and errors
●     Finally, troubleshoot other printer issues

Will I get Professional Help if I Can’t Fix my Problem?

Yes, you’ll get professional help if you can’t fix your problem. You can connect with HP’s customer care executive to resolve your issues. So, don’t worry about your problem, you can turn your printer online, one way or the other